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Shipping and Refunds

Transport and delivery:

* For security reasons, the Products purchased on the Site will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer. No deliveries will be made to post office boxes.

* For each order placed on the Site, MEDEMA will issue an invoice / receipt for the goods shipped, sending it to the holder of the order, pursuant to art. 7 DPR 633/72, DPR 445/2000 and DL 52/2004. For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the order shall be fully and definitively valid. No change in the invoice will be possible after the order has been sent.

* Shipping costs are charged to the customer and amount to € 4.90 (four / 90) for all shipments made in Italy. For purchases over € 30.00 (thirty / 00) the transport costs will be borne by MEDEMA.

* Shipping costs for all member countries of the European Union are charged to the customer and amount to € 11.99 (eleven / 99) for all shipments made to European Union countries. For purchases over € 70 (seventy / 00) the transport costs will be borne by MEDEMA.

* The Products purchased will be delivered by courier starting from the working day following the date of receipt of payment. Orders will be processed and delivered from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. MEDEMA is not responsible for any unforeseeable delays. Except in cases of force majeure, the Products will be delivered within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days starting from the day following that in which the Customer sent the order on the website .

* Upon delivery of the goods by the Courier, the Customer is required to check:
- the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the waybill;
- the packaging is intact, not damaged, wet or otherwise altered, even in the closing materials.
Any damage to the packaging and / or the product or the mismatch in the number of packages must be immediately notified, placing a written control reserve on the Courier's proof of delivery. Once the Courier's document has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any objection about the external characteristics of what has been delivered.
* If MEDEMA is unable to deliver the Products ordered following a sudden unavailability, even temporary, it will promptly notify the Customer and in any case no later than 30 (thirty) days, by e-mail. The amount already paid by the Customer will be reimbursed promptly and in any case no later than 30 (thirty) days from receipt of the purchase order.

Shipping methods

* MEDEMA will send the Customer confirmation of shipment once the purchase order has been successfully processed.

* MEDEMA will provide the Customer with the tracking number so that the same has the ability to track their package and follow its movement until its delivery.

Returns, cancellation of orders and right of withdrawal

* MEDEMA intends to guarantee the complete satisfaction of the Customer, therefore it undertakes to reimburse in full the cost of the Products that have been returned by the Customer unworn or damaged, provided they are accompanied by the relative invoice / receipt and according to the times indicated below. Refunds will be made with the same payment method as for the purchase. The purchased goods can be returned within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery date. The right of withdrawal is inapplicable in case of purchase of goods made to measure or personalized and in all those cases referred to in art. 59 of Legislative Decree No. 206/2005. The Products purchased online cannot be refunded or returned to the Points of Sale licensed by MEDEMA Products. The shipping costs incurred during the purchase are not refundable.

* In case of withdrawal and subject to the occurrence of the conditions referred to in points 9.1. and 9.6, the shipping costs to be incurred for the return of the Products to MEDEMA are charged to the Customer and any other costs incurred by the same for the return of the Products will not be refundable by MEDEMA.

* In case of cancellation / withdrawal of a purchase order, MEDEMA undertakes to promptly reimburse the Customer no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the request pursuant to point 9.1 above.

* MEDEMA will not be responsible for those returned Products that have been lost, stolen or damaged, therefore not proceeding with refunds or refunds.

* Pursuant to art. 64 and 59 of Legislative Decree No. 206/2005, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the Contract without any penalty within the term of 14 (fourteen) working days starting from the date of receipt of the Products and unless the goods purchased are not packaged. tailor-made or customized.

* To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer must send a formal request to the address " " through which to express the will to exercise the right of withdrawal pursuant to art. 64 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n ° 206 (the "Consumer Code"), as well as the indication of the Products for which the Customer wishes to make use of the right of withdrawal, the progressive order number issued at the time of purchase and the data relating to the Customer's bank account.

* If the Customer wishes to modify or cancel the order presented, he must promptly send an electronic message to the address " ". MEDEMA will do everything possible in order to satisfy the Customer's request, however once the Product has been shipped, the order cannot be canceled or modified.